======== Settings ======== .. currentmodule:: django_assets.settings There are a bunch of values which you can define in your Django ``settings`` module to modify the behaviour of ``webassets``. .. note:: This document places those values inside the ``django_assets.settings`` module. This is irrelevant. To change the values, you need to define them in your project's global settings. .. autodata:: ASSETS_ROOT .. autodata:: ASSETS_URL .. _django-setting-debug: .. autodata:: ASSETS_DEBUG .. autodata:: ASSETS_AUTO_BUILD .. autodata:: ASSETS_URL_EXPIRE .. autodata:: ASSETS_VERSIONS .. autodata:: ASSETS_MANIFEST .. autodata:: ASSETS_CACHE .. data:: ASSETS_JINJA2_EXTENSIONS This is needed in some cases when you want to use ``django-assets`` with the Jinja 2 template system. It should be a list of extensions you are using with Jinja 2, using which it should be possible to construct a Jinja 2 environment which can parse your templates. For more information, see :doc:`jinja2`. .. _django-setting-modules: .. data:: ASSETS_MODULES ``django-assets`` will automatically look for ``assets.py`` files in each application, where you can register your bundles. If you want additional modules to be loaded, you can define this setting. It expects a list of importable modules:: ASSETS_MODULES = [ 'myproject.assets' ]