Jinja2 support -------------- ``django-assets`` strives to offer full support for the `Jinja2 template language `_. A Jinja2 extension is available as ``webassets.ext.jinja2.AssetsExtension``. It will provide a ``{% assets %}`` tag that functions pretty much like the Django template version, except inheriting the more expressive syntax of Jinja. For example, filters may be specified as tuples: .. code-block:: django {% assets filters=("jsmin", "gzip") ... %} More exhaustive documentation of the Jinja2 tag can be :webassets:`here `. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ How you enable the Jinja2 extension depends on how you are integrating Jinja with Django. For example: * If you are using `Coffin `_, you don't have to do anything at all: The extension will be available at the moment ``django-assets`` is added to ``INSTALLED_APPS``. * If you are creating your Jinja2 environment manually, you can simply use its ``extensions`` parameter and specify ``webassets.ext.jinja2.AssetsExtension``. However, there is a minor difficulty if you intend to use the management command to manually build assets: Since that step involves parsing your templates, the command needs to know what other Jinja2 extensions you are using to successfully do so. Because there is no "one way" to integrate Jinja and Django, it can't determine the extensions you are using all by itself. Instead, it expects you to specify the ``ASSETS_JINJA2_EXTENSIONS`` setting. In most cases, you would simply to something like:: ASSETS_JINJA2_EXTENSIONS = JINJA2_EXTENSIONS i.e. aliasing it to the actual setting you are using. Again, if you are using Coffin, you may disgard this step as well, since your Coffin environment will automatically be used.